About Us

Hi Family.  I am a wife and mother that has birthed four (4) beautiful children.  Some would say a bit of a daredevil as we currently stand at ages 21, 19, 11 (deceased), and 7...yes, you heard me right...age 7 (LOL).  

I've pondered over the years on everything that a woman endures and overcomes is the essence of what is WOMAN. Through love, pain, betrayals, trials, testings, and unfortunately loss (amongst others), we come out stronger if we choose not to succumb to defeat.  WE ARE STRONG.  When God created Woman, He brought forth a phenomenal creature. Our multifaceted ingenuity is worthy of recognition...from adorning our bodies; to decorating a home; to the love of our children; to stretching a dollar and making something out of a little (when dad says no, mom says yes).  A woman's touch is undeniable.  The true love of a real woman is MATCHLESS.  All of this pondering over the years, and my love for the art and creativity of fashion and beauty has birthed The LAtelier.

LAtelier views the everyday woman as the beautiful creations that we are...incubators and multipliers, in every sense of the word, where fashion ideas are birthed and brought to fruition. With an emphasis on our plus-sized, curvy girlfriends, we celebrate all that is woman and desire to market a unique assortment of selectively procured shoes, apparel and accessories that can transform the most unadorned ensemble into a multifaceted creation of art.

Thank you for coming to visit us at LAtelier and we hope you continually come back to see us!

Warmest Regards,

Sherone, Owner of The LAtelier